Friday, January 21, 2011

9 Days to go!

Ah yes, the first post of (probably) many to come. While I'm alive, I'll do my best to keep these up. If the posts stop, well then I suppose that's the time to be lightly concerned. I know ("the elusive") Momma Wolf will probably be checking in regularly, but there's a few other folks out there who might like to keep updated on my well being too. I even have one "follower" already! How cool.
Anywho, still in lovely Oregon. Just spending my days getting ready to go. Been reading up on China, waiting for my visa to show up in the mail, pretending to tie up my loose ends....
In the end though, what else do I really need to do to get ready to go?
Visa: check
Love for Chinese food: check
Address and directions to panda sanctuary: check
Yup. Good to go.

1 comment:

  1. Try to keep up on the blog! It'll be fun for us back in the states to read it.
